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Top 5 Nutrition Tips for Ramadan

Updated: Apr 11, 2021

Stay healthy and energized using these practical tips for fasting.

Ramadan is an important month for Muslims around the world as they fast from sunrise to sunset. Fasting can have numerous benefits on physical, mental and spiritual health. Since the fasting hours can be long, make sure to eat well and meet all nutritional needs during the non-fasting hours. Here are 5 nutrition tips to consider as you get ready for Ramadan.

1. Hydration. Keeping your body hydrated is one of the most important considerations when fasting. We lose water through breathing, sweating, urine and digestion. There is limited time to replenish this water so it is easy to get dehydrated. Some signs of dehydration may include: thirst, dry/cracked lips, headache, lethargy, weakness and even dizziness. You want to ensure that you are drinking enough water and consuming foods with high water content during the non-fasting hours. Divide your water intake over the non-fasting hours instead of drinking at once. For example, you can break your fast with dates and 2 cups of water and drink another 2 cups at Suhoor. In between aim to drink another 4 cups of fluid. Include foods that can help hydrate such as soups, smoothies, yogurt, cucumbers and fruits such as melons and oranges. Keeping hydrated along with good fibre intake will also help prevent constipation, a common occurrence during Ramadan.

With the limited window for eating during Ramadan, ensure that you are choosing complex carbohydrates.

2. Add Complex Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be classified as ‘simple’ or ‘complex’, both of which are used by our bodies as a source of energy. Simple carbohydrates such as the ones found in foods with added sugar, soft drinks, juices, refined or “white” grains are quick to break down and digest. Complex carbohydrates on the other hand take much longer to digest and keep us full for a longer time. They also offer more nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals. With the limited window for eating during Ramadan, ensure that you are choosing complex carbohydrates as much as possible. This will not only help keep you full longer but also keep your sugar levels more stable. Some examples include whole grains such as oats, barley, wheat and millet as well as fibre rich fruits, vegetables, peas, beans and lentils.

3. Adequate Protein. Foods rich in protein are another key ingredient for a successful fast.

Protein is slower to digest and will keep you full for a longer period of time. It will also help prevent muscle loss during the month. Make sure to include a variety of protein sources, including plant-based proteins. Examples of protein rich foods include eggs, dairy, poultry, meat, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds.

4. Suhoor Success. Make sure you are waking up early enough to give yourself time to

prepare and eat a proper meal without rushing. Preparing foods ahead of time or using

leftovers will help. Eating the right types of foods will help you to have more stable blood sugars and improved energy during your fast. Make sure to have the following on your plate:

  • A source of protein to keep full and satiated

  • Healthy fats, such as olive oil or nuts/seeds

  • Whole grains such as whole grain breads, roti, oats and barley

  • Fruits and Vegetables – include a variety of fruits and vegetables to get fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Dates are rich in carbohydrates which help to stabilize your blood sugars

Examples of Suhoor meal

Scrambled eggs with whole grain bread and 1.5 oz of cheese

Overnight Oats made with low-fat milk, and topped with nuts and fruits

A bowl of barley soup made with chicken/legumes and vegetables

5. Iftar Success. After fasting for many hours, you will be hungry and may be craving for

fatty and/or sugary foods. Many of us are used to traditional foods that are often deep

fried or foods high in sugar. These foods are harder for your body to digest and do not

provide much nourishment. It is okay to enjoy such foods occasionally in small quantities. Having a plan and preparing the right types of foods will help you stay on track.

Breaking the fast with dates is optimal. Dates are rich in carbohydrates which help to stabilize your blood sugars. Along with dates, drink water to hydrate and also to help control hunger. Similar to Suhoor, your Iftar meal should consist of a balanced plate that includes protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. Use cooking methods that do not require a lot of oil, for example, baking or grilling rather than frying. Lastly, pace yourself and take your time to eat as rushing can lead to overeating.

Examples of Iftar meal

Baked Salmon with a side of sweet potato and a green salad

Quinoa and chickpea salad

Lentil and beef stew plus a salad

Fasting can be accomplished safely for many of us, however, if you have a medical condition(including pregnancy, breast-feeding, diabetes or another illness) please consult with your doctor before fasting. If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor how to safely take them during fasting.

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Jun 17, 2021

Looks really appetizing!

Lots of colour!

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